Metallica Nothing Else Matters Versuri

Atat de aproape indiferent cat de departe fara a putea fi mai mult din inima mereu avand.
Metallica nothing else matters versuri. Metallica nothing else matters versuri. Versuri metallica nothing else matters so close no matter how far couldn t be much more from the heart forever trusting who we are and nothing else matters never opened myself this way life is ours we live it our way all these words i don t just say and nothing else matters trust i seek and i find in you every day for us something new. Metallica versuri nothing else matters in romana atat de aproape indiferent cat de departe nu ar putea fi mai mult din inima sa avem intotdeauna incredere in cine suntem si nimic altceva nu mai conteaza metallica nothing else matters romana lyrics. Nothing else matters traducere în română artist.
Metallica also performed by. Versuri metallica nothing else matters album. Versuri nothing else matters romana de metallica. So close no matter how far couldn t be much more from the heart for.