My Heritage Dna Romania

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My heritage dna romania. The percentages represent the portion of myheritage dna users in romania who have that ethnicity. My origins are mostly in the balkan vlachs and greeks. Myheritage dna results are 55 7 balkans 31 6 greek 11 1 baltic 1 1 ashkenazi. Greek and south italian.
Myheritage dna käyttäjien tietojen perusteella nämä ovat yleisimmät etnisyydet maassa romania. Tee dna testi ota selvää mihin etniseen ryhmään kuulut ja löydä testin avulla uusia sukulaisia. Myheritage is a great place to develop a family tree. Go premium order dna kits.
North and west european. Romania tärkeimmät etnisyydet. With myheritage dna you can discover relatives who share dna segments with you inherited from the same common ancestor. Pareri pozitive 2 50 2.
I did not refer directly to the romanians and romania but to the balkan vlachs aromanians whose continuity in the balkan space is confirmed by many. Sometimes this endogamous dna inheritance wasn t necessarily geographic it may have been cultural. Cu myheritage adn puteți descoperi rude care împărtășesc segmente de adn cu dvs moștenite de la același strămoș comun. This is in no small part due to the vast storehouse of data that is available through myheritage.
You will also uncover the ethnic and geographic origins of your ancestors from the largest pool of possible ethnicities in the industry which may include some surprises. For example most jews ashkenazi sephardic or mizrahi or mennonite christians married and had children within their own groups for generation after generation creating a correlation between certain dna sequences and particular cultural identities. Sentiment neutru 2 60. De asemenea veți descoperi originile etnice și geografice ale strămoșilor voștri începând de la cel mai mare grup de etnii posibile din industrie care pot include unele surprize.