Mihail Who You Are Versuri
Joi 08 iunie 2017 17 48 she feels in love it s something that she doesn t know what it is she s missing those days left on a tape.
Mihail who you are versuri. Ascult tacerea ce domneste langa noi si simt placerea ce ne paste pe amandoi. Versuri mihail video are so tell her stranger who you are why won t you tell her who you are. Mihail versuri who you are in romana ea se simte iubita este ceva ce ea nu stia despre asta ei ii lipsesc acele zile in stanga pe o banda si se raceste ea stie ca bratele tale nu o vor mai mihail who you are romana lyrics. Traducerea cântecului who you are interpretat de mihail mihail sandu din engleză română în română.
She feels in love it s something that she doesn t know what it is she s missing those days left on a tape and it s getting cold she knows your arms won t hold her anymore she s driving with fog lights on driving alone so tell her stranger who you are. Mihail versuri who you are she feels in love it s something that she doesn t know what it is she s missing those days left on a tape and it s getting cold she knows your arms won t mihail who you are lyrics. Versuri mihail who you are. Versurile melodiei who you are interpretata de mihail she feels in love it s something that she doesn t know what it is she s missing those days left on a tape and it s getting cold she knows your arms won t hold her anymore she s driving with fog lights on driving alone so tell her stranger who you.
And it s getting cold she knows your arms won t hold her anymore she s driving with fog lights on driving alone. She feels in love it s something that she doesn t know what it is sh.